Providing you with reliable Corporate and Relationship Intelligence

Do you know who you are dealing with?

Business leaders require timeous and accurate information to assess the risks, background and reputation of new business opportunities or to verify representations made by potential business partners and employees. With the advent of online commerce and increases in ID theft, how can you confirm that these entities or individuals are who they claim to be? 

Should negative information surface only after the deal has been done, the cost of dealing with these problems can be significant and the impact can be wider than just financial loss.

How then can you avoid exposure to criminal activity? The key is timely and accurate intelligence. Find out who they are before you do business with them.

    Our Services

    We have an extensive network of agents on the ground throughout Africa (and internationaly) to source information and documentation where no online databases exist.

    Our range of services includes:
  • Investigative due diligence reports
  • Background reports
  • Lifestyle Audits
  • Pre-Employment Screening
  • Supplier Vetting
  • Asset Tracing
  • Verification Services
  • Relationship mapping
  • Criminal record checks
  • Bookkeeping and AFS Compilation services (including Close Corporations)

  • See Services for further details.


    Training Academy

Having access to a database does not guarantee accurate information.

We can train your Analysts to know what to look for, how to obtain the information legitmately and how to interpret confliction data.

See Training for further information on our courses.


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